Test 10 - Transcription
Ok, shall we start? In this part, you will answer some questions related to aviation.
1) What is the definition of the term “lift off”? What is V1 and V2?
2 )How was your first solo flight? How did you feel?
3) From your point of view, what can be improved at airports?
Thank you. This is the end of part one. Let’s move on to the second part of the test.
In this part, you will interact with the Air Traffic Control in five different situations. You may ask the controller to say again once. After listening to the controller, you should interact as the pilot.
All information is important. You may take notes if you wish.
You are the pilot of a twin-engined aircraft. Your call sign is ANAC 123.
Are the instructions clear? OK, so let’s start. Situation number one:
Situation 1) You have just taken off from Miami Airport. Listen to Miami Departure and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Miami Departure. Radar contact established. Cleared to DEEEP INTERSECTION and climb at your discretion to FL290. Contact Miami Center on frequency 126.30.
Now, you are on a cruise flight to Chicago overflying Atlanta. You suffer a severe turbulence and a passenger is severely injured. Contact Atlanta Center, inform this situation and request vectors to divert to Atlanta Airport.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Atlanta Center. Descend to FL150. Heading 314. Contact Atlanta Departure on frequency 119.65. Confirm if you have a passenger feeling bad due to severe turbulence.
What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 1. Now, situation number 2.
Situation 2) You are on a cruise flight from Madrid to Milan. Listen to Marseille Center and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Marseille Center. Squawk 4612 and ident. Climb to FL370 due to intensive traffic. Now, you have indication of fire in the cargo compartment. Contact Marseille Center, inform this situation and your intentions.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Descend to FL140. Heading 359. Contact Marseille Approach when reaching FL180. Confirm if you have fire in the passenger cabin.
What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 2. Now, situation number 3.
Situation 3) You are waiting for taxi instructions at O R Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa. Listen to O R Tambo Ground and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. O R Tambo Ground. Cleared to taxi to runway 03 Left via taxiway Alfa. Follow the Boeing 767 ahead of you. Give way to the Ethiopian, Boeing 787 on taxiway Hotel. Hold short for instructions in the intersection of taxiway Lima.
Now, you are holding on taxiway Lima. Contact O R Tambo Ground and inform that you can’t cross the runway because there is an aircraft on the runway.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Negative. You were advised to hold position, not to cross the runway. Expect instructions to continue the taxi in 2 minutes.
What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 3. Now, situation number 4.
Situation 4) You are approaching to land at Dubai International Airport. Listen to Dubai Tower and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Dubai Tower. Cleared to land. Runway 30 Left. Wind 290 degrees at 10 knots gusting 25 knots. Confirm if you have the runway in sight.
Now, during the final approach, you see this situation. (Show this picture to the test taker). Contact Dubai Tower, inform this situation, say that you are not with the runway in sight and say your intentions.
Áudio: ANAC 123. I understood you are going around due to a sandstorm over threshold 30. Confirm. What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 4. Now, situation number 5.
Situation 5) You are going to join the pattern circuit to land at Jacarepagua Airport. Listen to Jacarepagua Tower and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Jacarepagua Tower. Cleared to join the downwind leg for a visual approach. Runway 02. You are number 2 for landing.
Now, during the downwind leg, this situation happened to you. (Show this picture to the test taker). There is a Cessna in front of you in the traffic circuit. Contact Jacarepagua Tower, inform this situation and ask priority for landing.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Goiania Tower. Emergency services are on the way. I understood you have smoke in the cockpit. Confirm the number of people on board.
What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of part two. Let’s move on to the third part of the test.
In this part of the test, you will listen to three different communications between pilots and air traffic controllers.
The recordings will be played twice. There is a five-second pause before the recording is repeated. After listening to the recording, you should tell me everything that the pilot and the controller said.
I will then ask you a question.
At the end of Part three, I will ask you to compare the three situations, so please take notes. All information is important. Do you have any questions?
Situation 1) ATC: KLM 3245. Chicago Center. Confirm if you are flying on airway UPPER ZULU 25. FL360. Heading 280. Speed Mach.81.
Pilot: Chicago Center. KLM 3245. Roger. We are unable to insert data in our Flight Management System. We request radar vectors to Chicago Airport.
ATC: KLM 3245. Expect vectors to Chicago Airport. Tell me everything you heard, please. How is radar vectoring provided for pilots?
Situation 2) Pilot: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. São Paulo Approach. Ethiopian 506. We lost thrust on our engine number 1. We request priority landing at Guarulhos Airport.
ATC: Ethiopian 506. São Paulo Approach. Expect vectors to Guarulhos Airport. Runway 27 Right. Emergency assistance will be standing by on the ground.
Tell me everything you heard, please. From your point of view, what can cause engine power loss?
Situation 3) Pilot: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. Vienna Center. EI-OUV. We had an electrical failure. Our navigation system is compromised. We request vectors for the nearest suitable airport.
ATC: EI-OUV. Vienna Center. Roger. I’ll give you vectors to turn right. Heading 120. Expect vectors for runway 12 Right. You are number 1 for landing.
Tell me everything you heard, please.
What would you do if you faced a situation like this?
Now, after listening to these three situations: How would you compare them, which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with and why? You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions or ways of prevention.
Thank you! This is the end of part three. Let’s now move on to the last part of the test, part four.
In this part of the test, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking. Are the instructions clear?
1) Please describe this picture to me.
2) What do you think happened before this picture was taken?
3) Now imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?
4) In your opinion, what could have happened if the bird had struck on the windshield?
5) From your point of view, what can be done to avoid birds in the vicinity of the airports?
6) Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it: “The events of bird-strikes in the last ten years were less frequent than nowadays because there is a bigger quantity of birds nowadays.”
Ok, thank you! So this is the end of the test.