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Test 09 - Transcription



Ok, shall we start? In this part, you will answer some questions related to aviation.


1) What responsibilities do pilots have during a cruise flight?


2) In your opinion, why is CRM important?


3) How bad can a bird-strike be to an aircraft?


Thank you. This is the end of part one. Let’s move on to the second part of the test.



In this part, you will interact with the Air Traffic Control in five different situations. You may ask the controller to say again once. After listening to the controller, you should interact as the pilot.


All information is important. You may take notes if you wish.


You are the pilot of a twin-engined aircraft.


Your call sign is ANAC 123. Are the instructions clear? OK, so let’s start. Situation number one:


Situation 1) You are going to start taxiing to take-off at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. Listen to O’Hare Ground and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. O’Hare Ground. Cleared to taxi to runway 28 Center via taxiway Golf Golf. Hold short on taxiway Papa. Contact Tower to cross runway 28 Right on frequency 133.0.


Now, while taxiing on taxiway Golf Golf you see some metal debris on the ground. Contact O’Hare Ground, inform you are holding position and request ground assistance to remove this debris.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Roger. Emergency assistance is on the way. Confirm you are holding position because there is a dog on taxiway Golf Golf.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 1. Now, situation number 2.


Situation 2) You are approaching to land at El Dorado International Airport in Bogota, Colombia. Listen to Bogota Approach and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Bogota Approach. Expect vectors for ILS Approach. Runway 13 Right due to deteriorating weather. Contact El Dorado Tower on frequency 118.1.


Now, during arrival, Bogota Approach clears you for a visual approach because the airfield weather conditions are good. Contact Bogota Approach, inform that you are unfamiliar with the airport and request vectors for ILS approach instead of visual approach.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Turn left. Heading 140. Expect a dog leg when joining the base leg to avoid traffic at your 3 o’clock position, 20 miles. I understood you are having technical problems.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 2. Now, situation number 3.


Situation 3) You have just taken off from Frankfurt Airport. Listen to Frankfurt Tower and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Frankfurt Tower. Departure ROTEN is restricted at FL080. Contact Frankfurt Departure on frequency 118.50, if negative 120.8. Now, you have realized you have a wheel well fire indication. You decide to return to Frankfurt. Call Frankfurt Departure, report this situation and say your intentions.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Roger. Turn left. Heading 010. Descend to FL070. Expect vectors for runway 25 left. Confirm if you have limitations on the final due to a wheel problem.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 3. Now, situation number 4.


Situation 4) You are going to start taxiing at Munich International Airport in Germany. Listen to Munich Ground and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Munich Ground. Cleared to taxi to the holding point, runway 26 Right via taxiway November. Hold short on the intersection of taxiway November Alfa 12. Be aware of Germanwings Boeing 737 crossing from taxiway Mike to November via intersection Alfa 10. Contact Munich Tower on 118.7.


Now, while you were taxiing this situation happened to you (Show this picture to the test taker).


Call Munich Ground, inform this situation and your intentions.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Hold short on your present position. Cleared to shut down the engines. Emergency services are on the way. Confirm if you ingested a drone.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 4. Now, situation number 5.


Situation 5) You are going to start taxiing to the runway in use at Santa Genoveva Airport in Goiania. Listen to Goiania Ground and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Goiania Ground. Cleared to taxi to runway 14. Follow the Beechcraft ahead of you via taxiway Alfa. Hold short on taxiway Bravo. Contact Goiania Tower on 118.7.


Now, when you were holding short on taxiway Bravo this situation happened to you. (Show this picture to the test taker). Call Goiania Tower, inform this situation and say your intentions.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Goiania Tower. Emergency services are on the way. I understood you have smoke in the cockpit. Confirm the number of people on board.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of part two. Let’s move on to the third part of the test.




In this part of the test, you will listen to three different communications between pilots and air traffic controllers.


The recordings will be played twice. There is a five-second pause before the recording is repeated. After listening to the recording, you should tell me everything that the pilot and the controller said.

I will then ask you a question.


At the end of Part three, I will ask you to compare the three situations, so please take notes. All information is important. Do you have any questions?


Situation 1) ATC: Speedbirb 3478. Birmigham Tower. Cleared to land. Runway 33. Wind 340 degrees at 8 knots. Contact Birmigham Tower on frequency 118.30.


Pilot: PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN. Birmigham Tower. Speedbird 3478. Going around to avoid a hitting traffic. There is a Cessna at our 2 o’clock position.


Tell me everything you heard, please. How can collisions be avoided in the vicinities of airports?


Situation 2) Pilot: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. Madrid Center. Emirates 247. Our left engine flamed out. We request immediate descent.


ATC: Emirates 247. Madrid Center. Roger. Descend to FL190 at your discretion. Say the remaining fuel and the number of people on board.


Tell me everything you heard, please. Why is it bad for the flight if an engine flames out?


Situation 3) ATC: Iberia 78. Galeão Ground. There is a runway incursion of a dog on taxiway Golf. Please, reach its owner who is on board. He may call back his pet.


Pilot: Galeão Ground. We expect a delay of 30 minutes. We will make an announcement to the passengers.


Tell me everything you heard, please. How can animals be avoided on the taxiways?


Now, after listening to these three situations: How would you compare them, which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with and why? You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions or ways of prevention.


Thank you! This is the end of part three. Let’s now move on to the last part of the test, part four.




In this part of the test, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking. Are the instructions clear?



1) Please describe this picture to me.


2) What do you think happened before this picture was taken?


3) Now imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?


4) Why is a runway excursion bad for airport operations?


5) From your point of view, how can pilots avoid a runway excursion in bad weather conditions?


6) Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it: “A runway excursion can cause a lot of fatalities and it can be avoided by a missed approach.”


Ok, thank you! So this is the end of the test.





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