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Test 08 - Transcription



Ok, shall we start? In this part, you will answer some questions related to aviation.


1) Why did you decide to become a pilot?


2) How do you think the airspace will change in the next 10 years?


3) What do airline companies do to improve the working conditions of pilots?


Thank you. This is the end of part one. Let’s move on to the second part of the test.



IIn this part, you will interact with the Air Traffic Control in five different situations. You may ask the controller to say again once. After listening to the controller, you should interact as the pilot. All information is important. You may take notes if you wish.


You are the pilot of a twin-engined aircraft. Your call sign is ANAC 123. Are the instructions clear? OK, so let’s start. Situation number one:


Situation 1) You have just taken off from Dubai Airport. Listen to Dubai Tower and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Maintain runway heading. Climb to 7,000 feet. Turn right. Heading 140. Contact Dubai Departure on frequency 126.20.


Now, you’ve realized that you had a failure in your navigation system. Contact Dubai Departure, inform this situation and your intentions.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Maintain present altitude. Confirm if you have unreliable airspeed indication.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 1. Now, situation number 2.


Situation 2) You are flying from Miami to New York at FL350. Your maximum ceiling due to weight constraints is FL390. Listen to Houston Center and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Houston Center. Squawk ident. Keep FL350. Be aware of icing conditions at FL270 up to FL290. Say your intentions.


Now, you have realized you have a malfunction in the de-icing system and you can face icing conditions. Call Houston Center, inform this situation, request to descend to FL230 and to divert to Charlotte Airport.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Your message was blocked. Follow your flight plan and maintain FL350.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 2. Now, situation number 3.


Situation 3) You are receiving vectors to land at Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Listen to Bole Approach and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Bole Approach. Turn left. Heading 150. Descend to FL120. Reduce speed 240 knots.


Now, you received instructions to hold at Addis VOR at FL090. You had been waiting on the holding pattern for 20 minutes when your engine number 1 flamed out. Call Bole Approach inform this situation and your intentions. Then, listen to the controller and interact.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Cleared for immediate landing. Runway 25 Left. I understood you have flames coming out from your left engine. Confirm.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 3. Now, situation number 4.


Situation 4) You’ve just started pushback procedure at Lisbon International Airport. Listen to Lisbon Ground and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Lisbon Ground. Cleared to start up at 55. Temperature 12. Report when ready for taxi. Inform the number of people on board. Now, during push back this situation happened to you. (Show this picture to the test taker). Contact Lisbon Ground, inform this situation and say your intentions.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Confirm if a caterer vehicle collided with your landing gear.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of situation number 4. Now, situation number 5.


Situation 5) You are going to start taxiing to the runway in use at Santa Genoveva Airport in Goiania. Listen to Goiania Ground and read back.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Goiania Ground. Cleared to taxi to runway 14. Follow the Beechcraft ahead of you via taxiway Alfa. Hold short on taxiway Bravo. Contact Goiania Tower on 118.7.


Now, when you were holding short on taxiway Bravo this situation happened to you. (Show this picture to the test taker). Call Goiania Tower, inform this situation and say your intentions. Then, listen to the controller and interact.


Áudio: ANAC 123. Goiania Tower. Emergency services are on the way. I understood you have smoke in the cockpit. Confirm the number of people on board.


What did the controller say? Thank you. This is the end of part two. Let’s move on to the third part of the test.




In this part of the test, you will listen to three different communications between pilots and air traffic controllers. The recordings will be played twice. There is a five-second pause before the recording is repeated. After listening to the recording, you should tell me everything that the pilot and the controller said. I will then ask you a question.


At the end of Part three, I will ask you to compare the three situations, so please take notes. All information is important. Do you have any questions?


Situation 1) Pilot: De Gaulle Tower. Air France 745. We are rejecting takeoff due to compressor stall. We are stopped over the runway. Request taxi back to the apron.


ATC: Air France 745. De Gaulle Tower. Roger. Vacate runway by the first taxiway available. Contact De Gaulle Ground on frequency 121.90.


Tell me everything you heard, please. What emergency situations can make a pilot abort takeoff?


Situation 2) Pilot: São Paulo Control. Boliviana 167. We had a bird strike after takeoff. Our windshield is cracked. We request vectors for immediate return to Guarulhos Airport.


ATC: Boliviana 167. São Paulo Control. Turn right. Heading 180. Maintain 7,000 feet. Contact Guarulhos Tower on 118.4. Tell me everything you heard, please. In your opinion, how can birds be avoided in the vicinity of the airports?


Situation 3) Pilot: Cleveland Tower. ET-AOR. We are on threshold 34 ready for takeoff.


ATC: ET-AOR. Cleveland Tower. Hold short on runway 34. There is a runway incursion of a dog. Our ground staff will rescue the dog. We will inform you when this situation is concluded.


Tell me everything you heard, please. How could airports avoid runway incursions of animals?


Now, after listening to these three situations: How would you compare them, which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with and why? You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions or ways of prevention.


Thank you! This is the end of part three. Let’s now move on to the last part of the test, part four.




In this part of the test, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking. Are the instructions clear?



1) Please describe this picture to me.


2) What do you think happened before this picture was taken?


3) Now imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?


4) Do you think the usage of simulators to train pilots made the industry safer? From your point of view, what kind of cautions should be taken during this procedure?


5) In your opinion, how can technology optimize cargo loading at busy airports?


6) Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it: “It is very important for pilots to be trained about the transportation of the dangerous goods because in case of an incident they can take fast actions.”


Ok, thank you! So this is the end of the test.





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