Test 05 - Transcription
Ok, shall we start? In this part, you will answer some questions related to aviation.
1) How is the briefing of your flight? How do you plan your flight? How do crew members get prepared for the flight?
2) Talk about your background experience in aviation.
3) How was your training in relation to emergency situations? How do air companies influence the training for pilots?
Thank you. This is the end of part one. Let’s move on to the second part of the test.
In this part, you will interact with the Air Traffic Control in five different situations. You may ask the controller to say again once. After listening to the controller, you should interact as the pilot. All
information is important. You may take notes if you wish.
You are the pilot of a twin-engined aircraft. Your call sign is ANAC 123.
Are the instructions clear? OK, so let’s start. Situation number one:
Situation 1) You are going to take off from San Diego Airport. Listen to San Diego Tower and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. San Diego Tower. Cleared to line up and take-off. Runway 27. After takeoff. Turn Right. Heading 310. Contact San Diego Approach on 129.70.
Now, during takeoff you’ve had unreliable airspeed indication and you aborted takeoff. Contact San Diego Tower, inform this situation and request clearance to taxi to the gate.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Vacate runway via taxiway Bravo. Confirm if you have intentions to take-off again.
What did the controller say?
Thank you. This is the end of situation number 1. Now, situation number 2.
Situation 2) You are preparing for takeoff from Frankfurt to Santiago. Listen to Frankfurt Ground and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Frankfurt Ground. Expect start up at 55. You are cleared to taxi to runway 21 Right via taxiway Romeo Foxtrot. Hold short on taxiway Bravo. Backtrack runway 21 Right. Contact Tower on 118.10.
Now, you are on a cruise flight to Santiago overflying South America and you have realized you have a door open light indication warning. You find out that you are losing cabin pressurization. Contact Bogota Center, inform this situation and request diversion to Bogota Airport, descent to 15,000 feet and vectors for a 20-minute holding to burn fuel to avoid an overweight landing.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Bogota Center. Cleared for a 20-holding over Bogota VOR. Squawk 7700 and descend to FL200 due to low altitude alert. Expect landing in 10 minutes. Contact Bogota Approach on 121.3. Confirm if you have a problem in the air conditioning system.
What did the controller say?
Thank you. This is the end of situation number 2. Now, situation number 3.
Situation 3) You are receiving vectors to land at Heathrow Airport. Listen to London Control and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. London Control. Turn left. Heading 100. Descend to FL150. Reduce speed to 240 knots.
Now, you received instructions to hold at Ockham VOR at FL080. You have been waiting on the holding pattern for 40 minutes and you are running out of fuel. Call London Control and inform that you need to land in 15 minutes.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Keep present heading. Expect vectors to intercept ILS 27 Right. I understood you need to land in 25 minutes. Confirm.
What did the controller say?
Thank you. This is the end of situation number 3. Now, situation number 4.
Situation 4) You are going to take off from Carrasco International Airport in Montevideo, Uruguay. Listen to Carrasco Tower and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Carrasco Tower. Cleared to align and take-off. Runway 19. Wind 160 degrees at 6 knots. After takeoff turn right. Heading 253. Contact Carrasco Departure on 120.2.
Now, after takeoff you face up to this situation (Show the picture to the test taker). Contact Carrasco Tower, inform this situation and say your intentions. Then, listen to the controller and interact.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Cleared for immediate return. Descend to 1,500 feet. Maintain rate of descent 1,000 feet per minute. Confirm if your windshield is shattered.
What did the controller say?
Thank you. This is the end of situation number 4. Now, situation number 5.
Situation 5) You are taxiing to the holding point to take-off from Salvador Airport. Listen to Salvador Ground and read back.
Áudio: ANAC 123. Salvador Ground. Cleared to taxi to the holding point, runway 28 via taxiway Kilo Alfa Golf. Follow the 727 ahead of you. Contact Tower on 118.30.
Now, when you are taxiing on taxiway Alfa this situation happened to you (Show this picture to the
test taker). Contact Salvador Ground and inform this situation and request assistance. Then, listen to the controller and interact.
Áudio: ANAC 123. I understood you are holding position because there is a lost dog on board. Confirm.
What did the controller say?
Thank you. This is the end of part two. Let’s move on to the third part of the test.
In this part of the test, you will listen to three different communications between pilots and air traffic controllers.
The recordings will be played twice. There is a five-second pause before the recording is repeated. After listening to the recording, you should tell me everything that the pilot and the controller said. I will then ask you a question.
At the end of Part three, I will ask you to compare the three situations, so please take notes. All information is important.
Do you have any questions?
Situation 1)
Pilot: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. Dubai Control. Skydubai 306. On emergency descent due to uncontrollable fire on engine number 1. Leaving FL300 to FL100.
ATC: Skydubai 306. Roger. Turn right. Heading 080 to avoid traffic. Descent at your discretion. Report reaching FL100. Tell me everything you heard, please.
In your opinion, what other factors can cause an emergency descent?
Situation 2)
Pilot: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. London Control. American 246. We have a high vibration on our engine number 2. We request immediate return to Heathrow Airport.
ATC: American 246. Cleared for immediate return. Heading 090. Descend to 4,000 feet at your discretion. Squawk 7700. You are number 1 for landing on runway 27 Right.
Tell me everything you heard, please.
From your point of view, what can cause vibrations on the engines?
Situation 3)
Pilot: São Paulo Approach. Qatari 425. We have low oil pressure on engine number 1. Request vectors
for priority landing at Guarulhos Airport. Carrying dangerous goods.
ATC: Qatari 425. Roger. Descend to 5,000 feet at your discretion. Heading 080. Expect vectors for runway 27 Left. ILS is out of service. Report dangerous goods.
Tell me everything you heard, please.
What should a pilot do when he shuts down an engine during flight?
Now, after listening to these three situations:
How would you compare them, which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with and why?
You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions or ways of prevention.
Thank you! This is the end of part three. Let’s now move on to the last part of the test, part four.
In this part of the test, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking.
Are the instructions clear?
1) Please describe this picture to me.
2) What do you think happened before this picture was taken?
3) Now imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?
4) If a similar situation had happened to you, do you think this situation would have ended up in the same way?
5) In your opinion, how can passengers keep themselves safe during an emergency evacuation?
6) Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it: “Although pilots receive a lot of trainings on emergency situations they don’t have the same behaviour when they face up to an emergency situation that they have never trained before.”
Ok, thank you! So this is the end of the test.